In Pursuit of the Good Life

Photo by René Porter on Unsplash

The search for the foundation of ethics. Everyone wants to live a good life, but what does that mean? Generally we picture a life with enough money to make us independent, time to pursue activities we enjoy, and opportunity for sensual pleasures. But can you live a good life even if you don’t have the… Continue reading In Pursuit of the Good Life

The Fingerprints of God – A finely tuned universe

Modern physics has produced some amazing insights into the nature of the universe. One of the most astonishing is the discovery the fundamental forces of nature are balanced with a delicate precision.  Upset this delicate balance and the universe could have collapsed in on itself before getting started. No atoms could form, which means no… Continue reading The Fingerprints of God – A finely tuned universe

The Presumption of Atheism on Trial


 It’s become fashionable to say atheism has no burden of proof. It’s said atheism is the default assumption and the onus is on the theist to prove, not on the atheist to disprove. While this idea has the superficial gloss of rationality, under a critical cross-examination it falls apart. Rather than promoting rational methods, it… Continue reading The Presumption of Atheism on Trial